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Core Subjects

Princess Margaret School offers a full spectrum curriculum as mandated by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth. We strive to provide each student with an opportunity to reach his/her individual potential by providing an integrated program that encourages academic, social, physical and emotional growth. Our programming focuses on the following:

  • Language Arts (reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing) 
  • Languages 
  • Mathematics 
  • Home Reading (to foster parental involvement in reading) 
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education and Health
  • Music
  • Computer

English-German Bilingual Program

Detailed Information in (deutsch) (english)

Entry into this program is at the Kindergarten or Grade 1 level. It is not necessary for the child to have any German language skills in order to enter the bilingual program at this level. Children wishing to enter the program after the beginning of Grade 1 will be tested in order to establish their competency in German.

In Kindergarten, children gradually work toward receiving most instruction in German, with the exception of Physical Education and some Music.

In Grades 1 to 3, the children spend approximately 50% of each day in German and approximately 50% in English. The subjects taught in English are Science, Math, Language Arts, Physical Education and some Music. The subjects taught in German are Health, Art, Social Studies, Language Arts and some Music.

In Grades 4 and 5, basic French is also offered, thus reducing the instructional time in both English and German.

Basic French

Basic French is offered to all students in Grades 4 and 5. Instructional time is 150 minutes per cycle. The course is primarily oral with some focus on written work in the upper grades.


The Library has a Teacher Librarian and a Technician. Book selection is held once during the six day cycle. We have a cooperative, resource-based learning program where the classroom teacher and the teacher / librarian plan and institute projects with the students from Grade 1 to Grade 5. The projects are curriculum-based and help to reinforce writing, thinking and research skills while using the library and technology as resources.


We have two part time music teachers who provide an interesting and enjoyable music program in both English and German. In addition to the regular curriculum, the children have the opportunity of performing in choirs and special school productions.


Computers and other technology are learning tools for students in our educational system. They are integrated into many areas of the curriculum at Princess Margaret School. Every student from Kindergarten to Grade 5 has access to the computers.

Physical Education

The Princess Margaret School Physical Education program has an exciting and dynamic curriculum. 

 The Physical Education specialists team teach, sharing and combining their vast understanding and knowledge of the everchanging physical education curriculum to their classes. The classes are carefully planned to ensure every child has some degree of success. The Physical Education program builds on these successes and hopefully can make the elementary student appreciate the benefits of an active lifestyle. As well, our program will equip the students with the physical skills required to pursue many, many different activities. Thus our goal to develop the whole child and ensure physical, social and emotional growth will be met. In order to meet challenges in the future, students will need to be energic, enthusiastic, have the ability to work cooperatively in groups and have a sense of emotional well-being. Nothing else provides these opportunities more than a well-designed Physical Education program.

Princess Margaret Intramurals and Clubs

The Princess Margaret School Intramural Program compliments the phys. ed. program. This extra time in the gym gives the child an opportunity to make new friends, practice physical skills (play out team strategies) and have a lot of fun. Our intramural program is popular and is offered to Grades 1 through 5 during recess and lunch hours. The intramural program is successful because of the great help of Grade 6 student referees and our staff who volunteer their time to supervise. Besides the monthly intramural activities or games, PMS also provides many club opportunities. Princess Margaret is a physically active place and we are proud of all our student and staff contributions.

Intramurals and clubs are opportunities for students to meet new friends, practice physical skills, develop commitment/responsibility and have a lot of fun. Princess Margaret has a wide range of intramurals offered to any student from Grades 1 to 5.

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