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Parent Association

Parent Advisory Council

Our parent advisory council (PAC) is an active and committed group of individuals whose purpose is to foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community and enhance student learning.

Our membership is open to all parents as well as residents in the catchment area who are interested in the education and well being of students.

We provide feedback on issues of importance such as school philosophy, mission and vision, school programs and direction. We also organize special events which benefit our school and community.

ÉSHS encourages parental involvement in education. The ÉSHS parent council's role is advisory only. The council's operation and composition is governed democratically and executive officers are elected annually in the spring. Monthly meetings are held in the school library.

The council is a volunteer organization dedicated to:

  1. Increasing the educational opportunities for our students
  2. Improving the relationship and communication between parents and school personnel.


  • To communicate with parents/guardians of children attending the school so that it can properly represent their priorities and concerns.
  • To establish a means whereby it is regularly accountable to school community for its activities and expenditures. To co-operate with school boards, principals, and teachers in performing its role.

Functions of the Parent Council

The parent council may advise principals about school policies, activities, and organizations by participating in all or some of the following:

Participating in any review of the school that the minister or the school board has directed to be carried out.

  • Recommending what types of optional curricula are to be offered.
  • Recommending what types of extracurricular activities the school should offer.
  • Developing school codes of conduct and behaviour management policies.
  • Promoting community interest in the schools.
  • Recommending community use of the school facilities.
  • Promoting parental involvement in the school system.
  • Advising the principal about fundraising and participate in fundraising activities.

New members are always welcome. If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved please call École Springfield Heights School at 204-663-5078.


Last NameFirst NamePosition
Hall LesleyChair
Lane Jana Treasurer


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